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Product Wood solutions - Aniegré - African wood - office
Van Tornhaut had its new offices fully equipped as a flexible space for employees and customers. The interior design is sleek and business-like, but the soft wood tones and carpet add warmth and create a warm feeling and a very pleasant working atmosphere.

Construction company Van Tornhaut naturally wanted its offices transformed into an aesthetic space where customers could be welcomed in style. Exclusive and unique – those were the keywords they gave the architects to run with. In this case, oak seemed too run-of-the-mill for the interior finish.

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anegre wood - anegre veneer - Van Tornhaut Aalter - office
Van Tornhaut in Aalter
anegre wood - anegre veneer - Van Tornhaut Aalter - kitchen - veneer kitchen - kitchen bar
Van Tornhaut in Aalter
anegre wood - anegre veneer - Van Tornhaut Aalter - office
Van Tornhaut in Aalter
anegre wood - anegre veneer - Van Tornhaut Aalter - round table
Van Tornhaut in
Wood cabinets - total wood solutions - aniegré - wood veneer - floor - smooth wooden floor - aniegré floor
Van Tornhaut in G

Abscis Architects joined Decospan’s veneer experts in the quest for a high-quality, original solution. In the end, the African Aniegré made the cut, a unique wood species with exceptional colour. Its grey-white to rosy-brown hues were the deciding factor for Van Tornhaut. The mix-matched jointing technique gives the veneer a solid wood plank look that radiates luxury and natural living.

  • Total wood solutions - Aniegré - african aniegré veneer - solid wood look - veneer floor
  • Wood cabinets - total wood solutions - aniegré - wood veneer - floor - smooth wooden floor - aniegré floor
  • Total wood solutions - wood desk - office - aniegré - aniegré desk

A soft colour palette currently reigns at Van Tornhauts new offices. The gentle hues of the Aniegré veneer go perfectly with the abundance of white and light grey of the floors and walls. Carpet, curtains, the moss wall – they all have soft, inviting textures. Huge glass windows allow plenty of natural light to stream in, highlighting the beautiful and unique shape of the furniture. This project is a win on all counts!

Are you looking for the best veneer for your project?
Make an appointment with a Wood Consultant, online or at one of our showrooms. 

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Aniegré sink - aniegré cabinets - total wood solutions - light wood kitchen - bright wood kitchen
Aniegré - aniegré cabinet - wooden closet - office wooden closet - total wood solutions